
Tips to avoid being scammed | Term Loans For Business In India - Rupee Funding

5 tips is all you need to make sure that scams and fake attempts are reduced to dust and your financial security stays unhindered. Swipe left and learn everything that needs to be followed in order to make sure that you tackle everything from spam calls to online theft. Following 5 tips: Never Respond  Let unknown contacts stay unanswered Keep you INFO under Lock & Key Be vigilant at all times Understand the offer For more details,  visit .

What you need to know about financial technology | Investment Banking Companies

What you need to know about financial technology Fintech has evolved to a point that we simply could not have foreseen before. Where people once had to stand in line, wait in queues, and apply for loans at banks, the process is no longer the same.   If you’re wondering what we mean when we talk about Financial technology, well we are talking about the technology that connects borrowers and lenders. Online portals and apps make getting money much easier than ever before!  The entire process of getting credit or a loan has been streamlined to a point where one doesn’t even need to talk to a professional face-to-face before applying for a loan.  A New Financial Age Digital lending is starting to see an incredible amount of growth as more people are starting to see the benefits of quick and easy loans. However, this does not mean that even the ineligible can get loans through digital lending. The industry has safeguards and metrics in place that ensure that loans are still provided only af

Looking to Invest? Here’s what you NEED to know! | Management Consultancy Services In India

When it comes to investing and growing one’s fortune, it’s very difficult to find sound advice that one can rely upon. That’s because there are so many conflicting ideologies and none of them are a sure route to success. The factors that determine the market are simply too vast for a beginner to comprehend, but there are a few hard and fast rules that will help any investor.  Don’t blow off Luck While we can do all the research we want when we pick the stocks that we think will give us great returns, we just can’t ignore the role luck plays in the market. Even the most meticulously chosen list of stocks can fail and the most worthless stocks can also see a great rise. This also means that the same strategy won’t necessarily work all the time. Dump Liabilities as soon as possible Some stocks are just dead and trying to hold onto them in hopes that you can recover the money you spent on them is sometimes just too much. It’s largely more beneficial to just cut one’s losses and just move o

India and Cryptocurrency | Working Capital Finance - Rupee Funding

India and Cryptocurrency While Crypto-currency is still being figured out and implemented by most of the world, there’s already a few amazing people in India who’ve been investing. And of course by “few” we mean that Indians as a whole hold over 5.3 billion dollars in cryptocurrency. Even public figures like Amitabh Bachchan have gotten in on the action. Quite a few Indians saw this coming and became millionaires overnight! A Job-Generating Industry Cryptocurrency is now more than just a great way to invest. Cryptocurrency is now also an amazing industry that has over 10000 jobs in India alone. It’s starting to look like India is THE place to go if one is trying to get involved in cryptocurrency. Generating Crypto Mining cryptocurrency isn’t easy and can take a lot of time and energy, making it an expensive, long-term solution. And such a solution is what many organizations and even a few individuals have implemented. It’s normal to see anyone serious about cryptocurrency have an array

Three Steps For Investment Banks To Thrive In The New Paradigm | General Insurance Companies

The disruption caused by the pandemic has taken a lot of wind out of the sails of the financial industry. However, now that we’ve had time to revise our approach in this new market, we’ve been able to adapt and overcome the challenges that plague most agents and entities who primarily deal with investments. For an entity like Rupee funding to succeed, we need to have an approach that’s variable, involves forethought, needs skilled teams, and also follows a comprehensive code of ethics. However, there are certain specific issues that even top-class entities like Rupee Funding need to take into account given that the disruption still continues to this day. Step one: Reducing operational costs The investment industry is always trying to cut costs but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. A lot of big-time investors and financiers have decided to cut back on salaries, bonuses, and more in order to reduce their overhead costs due to the slow-down caused by the pandemic. However, this only leads to a